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skink companions

22 14:32:32

I have an australian blue tongued skink and would like to know what other kind of animals I could house with it in a 60 gallon tank.

Danny,                                                                 Your skink will get rather large. close to a foot and a half in length large in the middle. When you get into the large reptiles they really need to be housed alone , unless you are trying to breed them. They are very territorial. Of course like any reptile they will eat anything that will fit in their mouth. The tank you have provided him is perfect. Make sure it never goes under 70 degrees.... with a basking are during the day that goes to about 90 degrees. This is one of my favs. Very tame if you handle him often. If he feels threatened he will show his tongue and flatten out his body. If this happens put him back for some quiet time. They will live for a couple of decades if taken care of. Make sure you are supplementing his diet with calcium. He will be quite the character. He is not lonely if you are loving him up. Leave him the way he is.....Good Luck, Tina