Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > i think im loosing my leopard geko

i think im loosing my leopard geko

22 14:00:04

hi. ive had lizzy 4 about 5mths & she was a baby when i got her. ive started 2 notice that she has gone very skinny,got no fatness 2 her tail atal& hasnt grown or ever shed. she does seem 2 eat now & then but seems as though she has no energy & wants 2 sleep alot. i feed her small crickets & she has a gravel viv. i am so worried about her & think she is going 2 die.

Hello Claire,

What type of heating are you using for her?  Are you using an undertank heater along with a low wattage basking light on one end?  She needs a hot spot of around 88-90 on one end with a cooler end of around 80 on the other side.
Do you have a moist humid hide on the warm end also?
I think that you need to get a fecal done on her, as it sounds like she has parasites or worms based on the fact she has no appetite & she is losing weight as well.  That is a huge sign of parasites.  
Does she eat very well, & are you supplementing calcium as well, 5 times per week?
Can you post a picture of her?
