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dehydrated bearded

22 13:26:59

Hello I'm a very worried pet owner. My dragon has not had good poops runny white and small he has no muscular movements except twitching in all extremidies (ie towes, tail, stomach, head) hasn't eaten in weeks can't even get food down the hatch.  Alot of slimey goop from mouth and has a hard time to swallow water when dripped on tip of face. Sometimes gets a little to much and starts to sweep its tounge back and forth up in the air trying to get it down. I've been bathin it twice daily and trying to get some nutrients but won't take anything. Is the end near? The nearest vet is over 1000kms away can U help.

Hello Curtis,

How old is your dragon & how long have you had him?
It sounds like he has worms or parasites.  
Are you using a UVB light & if so, what type & brand do you use?  A fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?
Try getting some baby food chicken and baby food squash, or something equivalent that you can find to try & get some food into him.  Do you use calcium as well?
The twitching can indicate a couple of problems.  It is an early indication of metabolic bone disease or it could be an impaction.
My guess would be a little bit of both, though.  Do you know what type of substrate he was kept on before you got him, & what are you keeping him on now?  Sand, tiles, paper towels?
What are the temperatures in his tank, & what type of thermometer do you use to measure the temperatures with?
Let me know how he is doing.
