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I am from the US

22 14:29:23

That's funny you thought that b/c my vet had the hardest time explaining this to me, and I must not have doneit well for you ;)
I am from the US, but he thinks somehow she got "confused" and thinks its time to hibernate ;) So now i am switching her lights to 13 hrs night, 11 hrs daylight- to try to get her thinking its summer again haha... Thanks again though, I appreciate it. You don't know anything about cats do you?

Hi Kristen, I understand now. It confused me at first I have a few friends in other countries and right now their animals are brumating.  So I assumed you were else-where.

But I understand, I don't understand why he switched you to those hours however. Summer hours should be more daylight then night.

Summer hours should be 14 hours daylight 10 hours night. Days are longer in summer. Contact him/her and be sure that you heard him right.

It depends on the cat problem. I am no expert but I can try. There is a cat category on here if you have tried that and cant get your answer I will try my best.

Good luck