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Keeping Tokay Geckos with Whites Tree Frogs

22 14:37:22

I want to know if you have had any experience with housing Tokay Geckos with white's tree frogs and information about them being together.

Hi Peter, I have kept these two species in a community tank with no problems as all. Male tokays will be territorial with other male tokays and even with males of other species of geckos but the frogs never triggered that instinct. Tokays are a very defensive animal and will certainly defend themselves if you get too close or try to handle them but they don't "attack" unless they feel really cornered. In my experience their reputation for aggression is a bit undeserved. Leave them alone and they will leave you alone.
One of  my rules for mixed species community tanks is to give the animals more room then you normally would in a single species enclosure. I would suggest something around 40 gal. size as a minimum. Also provide plenty of foliage and hide spots to reduce the interaction.
You will have two nocturnal species who will be feeding at the same time. Try to be a bit more generous with the crickets to reduce feeding competition. Frogs tend to pollute their water source by defecating in it so make sure your geckos still have access to clean drinking water through either regular spraying or good daily hygiene with the water bowl.