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Ball Python constantly biting when held

22 14:33:47

I purchased a one year old male ball python, captive hatched, 6 weeks ago.  He came to the U.S. as a hatchling.  He eats very well every five to seven days (large f/t mouse), and digests well before handling.  The temps are fine in his cage, with his hide, and water with climbing branch.  The problem is:  He constantly bites me when I handle him.
He even strikes at me when I walk by his cage.  I have him in a very quiet area.  I have opaque paper stuck on all 4 sides of his cage, to give him privacy.  Why does he bite me all the time?  I handle him daily, and I am very slow moving and patient with him.  I do wear a light weight pair of gloves when handling.  I never put him back in his cage after he bites, and I try to always end our sessions positvely, what is wrong? Do you think he will ever tame? Thanks so much!

Hello Susan,

WOW after reading your message I realized how lucky my husband & I are.  We bought a baby ball python 1 1/2 years ago, & have never been bitten.
Have you tried taking the gloves off, that could be bothering him somewhat.  Are you wearing perfume?
He may have been mishandled by the previous owners.  It may take awhile before he tames down.  You are going to have to keep working at it.  
Make sure you don't have any lotions or perfumes on you that might aggravate him.  Where is he biting you at?
