Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Savannah Monitor behaving abnormally

Savannah Monitor behaving abnormally

22 13:58:53

QUESTION: I'd taken in a young Sav in the spring, as my first reptile. It was from a friend who raises reptiles (and is unfortunately off to college, now), who gave me instructions on lighting, bedding, tank size, and the like. My Sav did rather well for a long while, aside from developing some parasites midsummer, which were taken care of with a vet visit and medication.

But now, she's begun to behave oddly. She's lost her energy and has taken to sleeping a lot. Her movements are somewhat shaky. She's normally a healthy eater, and it's rare for her to turn down a meal, but now she won't make any effort to eat. I've been feeding her an emergency aid supplement to make sure she gets something into her system. Unfortunately, I don't get paid for another week and a half and can't see a vet until then. She also appears to have a slight caking of fecal matter and some redness.

I would suspect another bout of unhealthy parasites, but she's not even behaving as she did last time she had them. I was worried it was impaction, but she seems to be passing things normally. Her eyes also seem to be rolling downward a lot, which... Really has me concerned.

In short, I'm trying to figure out what this is and how to keep her going until I can get her proper care.

Other information, if it's helpful... Cypress was the bedding I was told to use, I've been feeding her on freeze-dried crickets, she's about 6 or 7 inches long (unsure of the exact age).

Thank you for your time.

ANSWER: The caking of fecal matter, have you given her a good soak in the tub?  Is the redness from irritation from caked on poop?  I would give her a good twenty minute soak in a lukewarm bath once a day till she is clean and rehydrated.

6-7 inches long is small, is she a baby?  How old is she?  Savs grow large, snout to tail from 4 to 6 feet.  If she was near adult age I would think she might be attempting to brumate, a sort of natural semi-hibernation, but babies don't do that.  I would try and borrow the money and get to the vet.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I had been giving her soaks regularly, due to this, and yes, she was still a baby. Unfortunately, it was too late by the time I asked. The poor dear passed on the date I asked.

But thank you so much for your help. I appreciate it.

 Aww, Sarah, I'm so sorry to hear about the baby's passing. At least she was cared for to the end.  I have had wonderful lizards pass, and I still miss their sweet faces.  Just know that it was probably out of your hands when you got her.  Rest easy.