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albino geckos

22 13:58:53

my son came with these two one male one female, now what i need help with is, everything i don't have clue what I'm doing, he has i light on them, do i leave the light on all the time? what will i need for the tank, beside water dish , can i put plants in there, what are the houses look like? PLEASE HELP ME!! wanita( gotta love our kids) thank you

Hello Wanita,

Yes, they bring them home & YOU will care for them.  LOL
How old are they?  Are they adults?  If not, they will need to be housed separately so they will not breed too young.  They should not be bred until they are at least 2 years old.
They need at least a 30 gallon tank.  On one end, you will need an undertank heater along with a low wattage basking light.  That can stay on all day, but at night, you can turn the light off, but leave the undertank heater on 24/7.  I like to use colored felt to line the bottom of the tank because it looks nice, is easy to change out & gives a good layer of protection between the undertank heater & your leopard gecko.
On the warm end, it needs to be 88-90 & on the cooler end around 78 or so.  Make sure that somewhere on the warm end, you provide a large hide/cave with moistened moss in it to help with shedding.  
A water dish is needed as well so be sure to change the water daily.  They are very good about drinking from water dishes.  They normally do not eat plants, so, a plant that is not toxic would be fine.  
