Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > bullfrog


22 14:23:28

hello. I want to buy a bullfrog tadpole from a store I live next to. I was wondering If I could keep it in a 5 gallon tank until it grew legs and arms? After that I would place it in a 10 gallon tank with half water half land to live in for the rest of its life. Is that ok? I dont know if its to small. Thank you

Dear Beck,
thank you for your question.
I would get a bigger tank for both tadpole and adult frog. These guys get massive (you didn't say whether you want an African or an American bullfrog, African ones get even bigger).
I would say that the tadpole should have a ten gallon and the adult frog at least a 20g, if it gets very big a 30g, or an even bigger tank for an African bullfrog. They may not be that active, but they should have room to move around and they can be very active at times. You also need to make sure that the frog cannot escape, for example by pushing the lid open or just jumping through it, they are pretty strong.
I hope I was of some help to you