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Injured Leopard Gecko

22 13:58:54

I was holding my sister's leopard gecko in my hand earlier, and he climbed onto my arm, slipped, and fell. He(or she, it's still a juvenile and we can't tell it's gender yet) has a tendency to suddenly try to run off and in the process has fallen before, and although we were worried he always seemed to be fine. This time he landed on a jacket that happened to be on the ground, and it appeared to be a soft landing, but when we picked him up, he appeared to be unable to move his back legs. He is still very active and when we fed him he was able to quickly catch all of his crickets.
This happened only about half an hour ago, and it's fairly late at night, and although I really want to rush him to the vet, I don't know of any places that take geckos that would be open right now, and my parents do not want to take him to the vet. Is there anything I can do? Could he possibly get better? Will this injury likely be fatal? If this is something that will kill him if not treated soon, how long do I have to find a vet in the area that does reptiles and persuade my parents that we need to take him in? Will a vet be able to save him?

Even if you found a vet I doubt they would be able to do anything, call and ask before you go in.  It is probably some sort of spinal injury which might just be a bruise and might heel on its own, that's best case.  Worse case the spinal cord is severed and organs have been or will be damaged, that's worst case (and the vet can't do anything about that anyway).  If he's still eating that's a good sign!