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Can i house two corn snakes together?

22 15:00:40

I have two adult corn snakes, one is a boy (alex) and one is a girl (alexis) but alexis seems to want to come out no matter how much i hold her. she broke the lid of here cadge and it scares me because she always trys to get out and im affriad she will cut herself. So i was wondering if i could put the two together in a really big tank i used to have for my four foot iguana?

thank you for your time  Josh

Hi Josh,

yes you can easily house your corns together with no problems, in the bigger tank make sure there are a couple of hide spots and two heat rocks or pads lighting can stay the same, you may want to feed seperate or hand feed each just to avoid two snakes after the same mouse.other than that they will co-habitate very well and when they are old enough you will have a good chance at baby's.good luck keep me posted. if you any more questions or concerns let me know.
