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bearded dragons stool

22 13:59:40

I have had my bearded dragon for almost 4 years now, and lately he has been acting a little strange. Sometimes he doesn't seem interested in eating, but then the next day he will eat normally. He has been digging through the sand in his cage to the bottom and laying down in it. A couple days ago I noticed some small round yellow chunks in his cage about the size of a dime. Today I moved the log from near where he was lying and there are a lot more, about 20. I have no idea what these are, or if he is pooping them out or what...

Hi Amanda, It sounds like your "he" is actually a "she".  You may not be aware that female reptiles often lay eggs without being exposed to a male. Those sound exactly like infertile eggs. Her behaviour, the size, colour and number of them you found fits that scenario as well. Females bury their eggs, usually in moist soil, that is why she was digging. Supplement her a bit more generously with calcium for awhile to make up for what she lost in producing the eggs.