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Poss sick leopard Gecko

22 14:01:42


My leopard gecko Coco usually lays eggs fine and i usually can not see the eggs on her but this time she has one big lump on her side.
She has been wondering around getting restless as she usually does when about to lay but its been 5 days now and nothing. Im worried as the egg is quite large and doesnt look low enough down to lay yet am worried she is in pain as it is a large lump!!

Should i take her to a vet or would you give it a few more days??

Thank ou for your time x

Hello Ashleigh,

How long has she had the egg?  Is it fertile or infertile?
Is she able to go to the bathroom right now, & is she eating anything?
If you feel that she is having trouble, it would be a good idea to take her to the vet pretty soon.  She could be having some type of egg binding issues, which can become quite serious.
How old is she?
