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Whites, Leopard, or crested?

22 13:55:05

I am interested in owning either a leopard gecko, crested gecko, or white's tree frog. I have done research but i would like the opinion of an expert. Out of these animals i wondering which one is the most social and tolerates handling the best. Additional information on each animal would be nice as well. Are there any other social lizards or amphibians that you would recommend for a beginner like me?
Luke Pepper

Of the 3 I would choose the crested gecko.  They are fabulous!  All three are good and both geckos tolerate handling well, but the crested is just so cool I'd have to go with that one.  Bearded dragons are also great but as you've probably seen upkeep, space, and cost increase when you move up to beardies.

P.S. Don't freak if your crested loses his tail, they almost always do.  In fact, for years, no one knew they had tails because no one in this country had ever seen one with a tail!  They don't grow back on crested like they do on many other geckos.