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Anole community

22 14:42:22

i have a tank and im ntt sure of the gallons or the tank, but i made it, it is a 4 fool long 3 foot wide and 3 foot high tank, so it is quite large, i had an iguana in it but unfortunatly the iguana died because he was so old, so now i am looking to get some anoles, and i was wondering for a cage this large, what do you think is the right amount of anoles to place into the tank? and what genders, i have researched a bit and i know you cannot place 2 males in the same tank, but is it possible for a tank of this size? and what would be some plants i could place into the tank?
oh and sorry one more thing
how much do they eat?

thanks alot for your time

Hello Cody, that tank is approximately 270 Gallons which is large and you could probably fit two males in there but be aware that they might still fight. The rest should be females. Also you should know that Anoles breed easily and you will have eggs. About 10 anoles would be great in there, it could give them some extra place but without a barrier with the space you are still going to have territory issues so 270 gallons being 27 ten gallon tanks you could have 27 because they will never see eachother. But having to share means that they need more space. I think 10 would be great and you also want to be sure you can keep an eye on such a numerous amount to be sure they are all healthy eating and happy.
Some safe and tropical plants for Anoles include

Pothos(Epipremnum aureum)
English Ivy(Hedera helix L.)
African Violets(Saintpaulia ionantha)
Arrowhead Vine(Syngonium podophyllum)
Peace Lily(Spathiphyllum clevelandii)
Terrestrial Orchids
Dracaena (might be ea not ae)

There are many websites with that kind of information just look for safe or nontoxic plants reptiles. That usually gets a good list. I also have a website with listed TOXIC NOT TO BE USED Plants:


They will eat little insects no bigger then 3/4 of their head size and they can eat alot you are supposed to keep feeding them all they can eat in 15 minutes then remove any excess. Mine both eat about 5 each a day. Make sure that they all eat because some might feel threatened being house with so many other anoles. Also its very important to get the same size anoles. Bigger ones can intimidate little ones.