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fat tailed gecko getting tail cut

22 14:01:52

i have a fat tailed gecko (max) ive had for about 3 years i also have a son about the same age. this morning i had woke up to my son holding max saying that he was bleeding. i jumped up and said what. well the story is that my son had taken scissors to maxs tail and cut it half way off. what can i do for max to keep his tail or do i take it all the way off and will it grow back, what kind of care do i give him while he is healing

Hello Eric,

OMG, that is terrible!  
I would definitely keep Max out of your son's reach when you are not around until he gets older! I am sorry that happened.  Wow that is shocking that he did that.  
They do regenerate their tails, but usually they drop their entire tail.  It should regenerate from that length, but it will take some time.
Were you able to stop the bleeding?  He is most likely in a little bit of pain.  Do you have any antibiotic ointment to put on it for a few days until it starts to close up?  
I would give him a little extra calcium & fat for a few weeks to help his system regenerate that area more efficiently.
IF he is on loose substrate, take that out & put in just some basic paper towels so the area wont get dirt or debris in it & get infected while it is healing.
