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Crested Gecko Help

22 14:10:14

This is my first time with geckos.  I have done lots of reserch on my gecko but still need some help with care.  I just got a baby crested gecko. She is about 2.5 inches long. I only had her for about six days. I am feeding her crested gecko diet but I don't know if she is eating. She looks thin. But her poop is so small I can't see it in the substrate.How can I tell if she is eating and should I be feeding her insects instead while she is young? What is the easyest way to keep up the humidity in her tank? Please respond.

Hi Noah, I would definitely offer her some crickets in addition to the crested diet.It has been a few years since I bred cresties but I always found that the young ones were more insect oriented in their diet moving more to the fruit based diet as they matured. Even with the adult cresteds I used a half and half rule with fruit and insects.
She is also going through a bit of re-location stress at this early stage. They tend to eat poorly in the first week in a new environment. I would put off handling her until she settles in and starts feeding well for you.
Keeping humidity levels up can be a constant battle. In addition to simply spraying the tank a couple times a day you can use a humidity holding substrate like moss. By keeping the moss damp it will release moisture into the air as it evaporates. Covering a portion of the enclosure will help contain the humidity. I used to offer my cresteds a humid hide as well which they would use. That ensured that they always had an area of higher humidity to access and there was less pressure to try to keep the entire enclosure humid. A humid hide can be any small plastic container with a entry hole cut into the side and a layer of moist moss inside. I found the cresteds were more apt to use it if I put it up in the branches of the enclosure ( I used twist ties to secure it) rather then on the ground.