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male bearded dragon biting female

22 14:03:47

my male seems to be biting my female to the point that he has taken scales off and is making her bleed should i be worried??

Hi Saundra,
When a male starts to do that kind of damage to the female, its time to separate them.  To leave them together is risking severe injury and extreme stress.
Even if this is due to breeding, the male is being too aggressive.  Has your female been laying eggs?  If yes, how many clutches has she produced?  How many eggs in each clutch?  How old are the male and female?
Many people feel its fine to allow male and female to live together all the time, and have allowed this with no problems, but they should not be housed together other then when the proper age(2 yrs or more) and only for a short period of time during breeding season, IF you are wanting to hatch eggs, etc. Breeding beardies is a science really because there is so much involved with genetics, etc. If you need any more info on basic care such as proper diet(diet is not just insects) proper uvb, etc, just let me know!!
Keep an eye on the injuries to your female and you can apply some Neosporin ointment to the areas.  If you notice the areas not healing, or are oozing or draining then a vet is needed for some oral antibiotics.