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spotted leopard lizard (not gecko)

22 14:13:37

We have 2 spotted leopard lizards Unsure of the sexes. But my question is this, one of them has suddenly acquired a strange eye problem there is no, pink color or swelling it was a seeping a little and we tried to  clean it off 3-4 times a day, it seem to stop that , but now he /she will not open it at all and now the other eye seems to be never open either , we hand feed it so that he still eats but it is getting harder to hand feed it , it just does not want to eat any more ,  there are no vets in are area that specialize in this area, small town,  is this a normal thing with these types of lizards , any help would be great and we are still looking for that vet to help , just thought if you knew of any remedies that work till we can get him in somewhere, thanks Kevin

Not normal,you need medicated eyedrops at the very least.  That's assuming that the problem is related to the eye and the closed eyes are not a symptom of something else.  Closed eyes is a sign of stress in lizards.  ANY vet should be able to get you the eye drops and ANY vet can do a fecal float test to check for parasites.  Good Luck!