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red striped plated lizard

22 14:45:20

My son recently bough a red striped plated lizard at the pet store, however they did not have any information on it and said they tried everything to get info but couldn't.  I am computer savy and only can find yellow striped plated lizards.  We have compared it to the pictures on the net we have found and he looks the same as the yellow.  Is there a differance?  Anyways can you also put other lizards or reptiles in the same tank with him?  Right now, they have us feeding him a special wet cat food called Wellness beef & chicken formula and 6 large crickets Mon, Wed, Fri.  We are concerned that this isn't the correct diet food form him. Please let us know any info you can on him. Thank you.

Hello Kristy, I personally dispise pet stores. For the exact reason you just explained, why carry the animal if you have no idea on how to care for it. I have never heard of a red striped plated lizards. You say that he looks like the pictures of yellow striped plated lizards? The care would be the same and I think they were just trying to sell the critters without knowledge. For the most part Plated Lizard care is a general care so here are some links that should help.

Good luck and sorry I couldn't be of more help.