Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Blood


22 14:33:58


My ball python was shedding, so I took her out and gave her a bath. While I was at it, I changed the paper towels I use to line her cage. When I returned her to her cage I noticed blood on the paper towels shortly after. She has no external wounds. It seems to have come from inside. She also seems to be having some breathing trouble, but there is no mucus like there usually is with a lung infection. Help! Can you refer me to a specialist in my area? (Phoenix, Arizona.)

Hello Jenifer,

Well, what are your temps inside the temp, do you have a hotspot for your phyton & an undertank type of heater?  
What is the humidity normally, when she is not getting ready for a shed?
Has she had any trouble with her stools possibly?  Sometimes, if the skin sticks in some places, when they rub the skin off, it can leave a couple of raw spots.  Did it appear to stick during this past shed?  
You can go to   There should be a listing by state & city to help you find a reptile specialist.

Let me know how things go!
