Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Female Mali Uramastyx

Female Mali Uramastyx

22 13:29:16

Hello, we've had our two Mali Uramastyx for about two years now and about about a month after we got them the female started eating the male's tail, so we seperated them and as a month ago she completely stoped eating. She is limp and just drags her-self around, her head just drags and we would like some help before she totally gives up.
                                   ~Thank you,
                                     Gary E.

Hello Gary,

Can you tell me more about your tank setup?
Do you use UVB lighting?  If so what type & brand of UVB light do you use, a fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?  
Are you using calcium supplementation?  
It sounds like she is suffering from metabolic bone disease from lack of UVB lighting.  
She might have began eating the males tail because she was low in nutrition.  Could she have been carrying eggs & possibly absorbed them?
A lot of times, they will chew on their own tails, or digits if they are low in calcium, etc, or even tank mates.  

Do you have any pictures of the uros for me?
