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Traveling with my beardie!!?!?!

22 14:02:12

QUESTION: Hi, I have a male beardie named spike who is about a year and a half old
and I am flying home from Chicago to Arizona and in American airlines. I
would like to know how to package him up to fly under the plane or if he is
shipped. Will he be ok on a 4 hour flight.... What can I do to make it easier
for him to fly? I really want to do anything to prevent him from dying. Thank
you so much in advance!!!

ANSWER: Hello Maggie,

Well, I don't recommend packaging him up to be in the cargo section as they throw stuff around down there.  Reptiles are not allowed to fly unfortunately.  There might be some airlines but very few.  You should call American airlines & inquire about it, but I am pretty sure they don't allow reptiles on the planes.
I would personally ship him UPS.  That by far, would be the safest way to do it.  You can just send him overnight & he will be fine as long as he is packed correctly.  
You will need to put him in a tupperware container with air holes of course, & put him on his little blankie in there too so he can relax.  
Nestle the tupperware container firmly in the middle of a box with alot of packing material around him so that it doesn't move around in the shipping process.  Just make sure that the box is labled LIVE ANIMAL on the outside all over the box so it is handled with care.  
They are shipped all of the time & if they are packed well enough they are fine in the shipping process.
The only way I would fly with one would be if they would let me have him underneath my seat as a "carry on" but I know that is not allowed.  It is absolutely ridiculous because they will let people bring their noisy dogs on but a small reptile is off limits.  

Let me know what you decide to do.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well, seeing as I don't want him to die.... I'm going to ship him ups. What should I use as his blankie? I know, the airlines are so stupid!! They told me: he could escape, dogs and cats are easy to catch, and my lizard could cause disruption.... I said dogs and cats can be/ do all of those things. Any other tips?? I care about my baby so much and want what's best for him! So any other information you can give me would be great!! Thank you so much!!

ANSWER: Hello Maggie,

I think that is the best idea, shipping him UPS.  You can get a nice soft fleece blankie for him to lay on in the box.  
I know, the airlines are ridiculous in their thinking.  They make no noise hardly especially compared to dogs & cats!  How would he escape??  The rationale of those people.   
Do not feed him the day before you ship him so he wont have any food in his little belly to digest.  You could give a few veggies, etc just nothing major.
He should be just fine.  A lot of dragons get shipped & are fine.  As long as he is packed up well, & the box is clearly marked there shouldn't be any problems.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I tried to call ups and they said they would ship him.... I tried this website called animals away and I sent an email to see if they would take him. Who should I call at ups to see where I can drop him off.

Hello Maggie,

Oh you were going to see if someone would keep him while you are away?
I would call the 1-800 number to find the nearest location near you & see what their latest drop off time is & collaborate that with your departure time so he doesn't have to spend too long in the shipping box.
