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3 yr. old female bearded dragon

22 14:28:08

My dragon is about 3 yrs old and she laid her first clutch of eggs about 1 year ago. She has never been introduced to a male  and has not laid any eggs since. A man at a pet store told me that it is common for them(females) not to lay eggs if they have never been around a male. It still makes me worried as this is my first dragon I have had her since she was a hatchling and I do not want her sick or stressed. Is it really common for them not to lay? Is it better for them to have a male so they do?

Hello Christin, it is normal for them to lay infertile eggs without a male. However it is also normal for them not to lay.

If she lays eggs then fine, if not there shouldnt be much to worry about. Just be sure she always has an area to lay her eggs just in case. Even if they are infertile she may hold them in if she doesnt feel comfortable to lay them. Which can be fatal.

Laying eggs is a really stressful procedure for them and its not advised to try and put that on them.

So no, dont inftroduce a male so she can lay. It is perfectly fine that she doesnt lay and is actually less stressful on her. And of course less dangerous.

Good luck