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Heating Pad

22 13:58:00

I was wondering if you ever worked with this product.

For the product the exo-terra rainforest terrariums the 12 x 12 x 12 can I use a zoomed heating pad and put the pad on the OUTSIDE of the back of the tank.  Is this okay even with the foam like material background pressed against the back it won't be a fire hazard would it.  I know foam can conduct heat, but will it be okay to do this or will the foam get too hot and become a hazard.  This is for a tree dwelling lizard a Gargoyle Gecko (Rhacodactylus auriculatus) that just stays towards the top and never go to the bottom.

Thank you for your time.

Hello Thomas,

No, I have not dealt with those products you have mentioned.  It should be fine however, for a Gargoyle Gecko though.  You can use an undertank heater for a terrarium.  Is it plastic?  I would not use plastic though because it might get too hot if you stick it on the bottom.  I would use a glass terrarium so you can get an undertank heater with self adhesive sticky stuff on the heater to put on the bottom on the underneath side of the tank.  
