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bumps on top and bottom lip of beardie

22 11:43:15

My bearded dragon, which is about 5.5-6 inches long, has developed some bumbs on his is thin and long and a bit dark, located on the upper lip on the right while the other is tan-ish and is a big bump located on the lower lip on the left. Should I be worried? Should I take him to a vet immediately?

Hello Michael,

Gosh, could you send some pictures of that?
Do you leave crickets in his tank to where they could bite him leaving those areas infected?
For now, I would try to get those areas cleaned off with some diluted betadine & then use some antibiotic ointment to help keep it from getting infected.

Is he on loose substrate/sand that could be sticking to his mouth?  Just trying to imagine what it could be at the moment without a picture.

He is a very tiny baby, too.  What are you feeding him?  You have tried to bathe him to see if it came off, right?  

Let me know how he is doing & if you do take him to the vets also.

