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beardie behavior

22 14:14:48

My male beadie is only a few months old. I hold him everyday, but recently he has been puffing his beard and opening his mouth at me. I try just putting my hand in the cage, but he even went after it once. Why is he acting like this at such a young age? People that I know with beardies laugh when I tell them because they say they have never had that happen. What can I do?

 When you say a few months old, is it 4 0r 5 months old?  If so, you just might have an early bloomer that is going through puberty.  Like any teenager, he's going to "try" you.  Don't put up with his guff, pick him up everyday, and hold him till he is quiet.  Walk with him and give him other views.  Afte a half hour, and he is quiet, return him to his home.  Eventually, he will calm down.