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bearded drangon

22 12:00:07

hi have my dragon for just a year now and yesterday as i was bathing him i ave found two holes in the side of his neck he is not eating and he his sleeping alot i know that im giving him the right food but he just isn't eating. he only drinks

Failure to eat and lethargy in reptiles is a sign of illness, and that, along with the signs of some sort of injury that you found, means you need to take him to a veterinarian immediately.

Reptiles hide signs of illness until they are extremely ill, as appearing weak would make them a target for predators or more dominant animals.  By the time their human owner notices, they are usually very sick.  Prompt treatment is essential for his survival, there should be no more delays at this point.

Perhaps his wounds are infected, or there may be some other issue that the vet needs to diagnose.  Be sure to take him to a knowledgeable reptile vet, and not just a small animal vet.  The site may be of help.  If it's not check for a local herpetological society, as they will probably be able to make a recommendation.  If you can't find one, call around as ask whether the vets local to you have a lot of experience with reptiles.  Be prepared to take him further away if there isn't one close by--a small animal vet who is unfamiliar with reptiles can sometimes be worse than no vet at all, unfortunately.