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Star-my baby beardy

22 14:46:50

Sorry to bother you but I've just got a baby bearded dragon.  She is about 2-3 weeks old and i've only had her three days.  Her viv is 82 for basking and she has all the apporpriate lighting.  The trouble is she isn't basking and only eating about 6 crickets.  Is she just settling in?  How long till i can expect her to be more adventurous and outgoing and eat more?  At the moment i put the crickets in her viv and she finds them?  Is this ok as i was told it would be fun and exercise for her?  Would a feeding rock be better then she wouldn't have to hunt so much?  Please help.

Hello Jolene, No placing the crickets in there is fine just make sure they are small enough. You don't want anything bigger then the space between his eye-balls. It can take a week or two before they are comfortable in a new home. They get really scared with new faces, new noises, new home, new view. She is probably still unsure if you are a predator or a friend. Give it some time and talk smoothly around her with no frightening noises. (make sure the tv is somewhat quiet that kind of thing) Don't watch the tank so much and just leave it be so that she has her space and then she will come around. The temp could be a little warmer though. Usually in the mid to high 80s with a basking spot 95-105 F. I don't think the feeding rock would help much. Just let her hunt and if she completely stops eating then there is trouble. But she is eating and doesn't seem to be sick. I think its just the move has got her frazzled. If you don't mind me asking where did you get her from a breeder or a pet store? And how long is she from nose tip to tail tip?
Good luck and let me know if there is anything else!