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breeding silk worms

22 14:30:44

QUESTION: sorry im not sure if u know much about them, but do the moths need some kind of substrate  to lay there eggs on? or do u just use paper towels or some thing?

ANSWER: Hello Nick,

You can basically put a paper towel down on the bottom of the container so they will have a place to lay their eggs on or in.  Make sure & keep the temperature around 85 or so, for optimal breeding & laying.
Here is a great site:


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: sorry, i just have 1 more question i forgot to ask. i have been buying that pre-made mulberry powder stuff, but i have just realized there are a couple of mulberry trees around my area but they the non fruit producing ones is that ok for them to eat?

Hello Nick,

Oh you can definitely use straight mulberry leaves, no problem as long as you don't use any pesticides on that tree.  
That is basically what they make the chow out of anyway, plus, you will save yourself alot of money too!  :-))
Wasn't that feeder site good?  He has alot of information on it.
