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Orange Lumps On Bearded Dragon

22 14:01:31


My bearded dragon and
Hi there. I have two and a half year old female bearded dragon. I have noticed over the past few years that small orange marks have appeared on her skin and she is your regular colour for a beardie (light browny green) with a hint of a peachy beard. She appears to have one of these orange marks on her arm which has become slightly lumpy and has grown in size. I took her today to a very reputable lizard store and they said they have never seen anything like this before. Can you help me with this as i'm really worried about her?

Hello Kirstin,

Do you think you could post a few more pictures of her, so I can see her entire body?
Her entire upper arm looks swollen & so does her forearm.  Is her other arm swollen & what about her legs, feet or hands?
Did the vet do a blood test on her?
As for the orange marks, I am not sure.  Pigmentation changes can happen as they get older, but I will have to do a bit of research on that.
What type of substrate are you using?  
What type of lighting do you use?
