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Aussie central bearded dragon

22 13:56:31

I have a 2 year old male australian central Bearded Dragon (Pagona Vitticeps).  He had what the vet thought was an ear infection and we have just finished a 10day course of antibiotics.  About 1/2 way through the course we noticed something protruding from under his tail which I thought might have been a bit of his intestine, as he hadn't pooped for 4 days or so.  He is continually curling his body around and it looks like he is in a bit of pain ocassionally he will flip over.  unfortunately we live in a remote area and the vet here doesn't know anything about lizards.  He seems to have recovered from the ear infection as he is no longer titling his head to the side.  However he is by no means 100% his old self.  I have washed the area with saline and that seemed to help him draw it back inside but when he moves alot it comes out again.  do you have any ideas I read a Q&A which suggested it could be his hemipenis?? is this what it could be and if so what do I need to do.  We have him seperated from his partner until we find out what the problem is.

Get a very clean cloth ans soak it in warm sugar water.  Keep his lights on to keep him warm and get him back to the regular vet keeping his bottom in the wet sugau water wrap.  Tell the vet that it is a prolapse and to put it back in and put two stitches, one one each side of the vent, enough for him to pass feces but small enough to keep the cloaca in.  If the vet has concerns, all he has to do is contact a reptile specialist by phone for particulars.  A prolapse can't remain untreated.  Do this ASAP.