Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > possible abcess on my bearded dragon

possible abcess on my bearded dragon

22 13:57:19

Hi Pam -   I noticed today that my beardie is shedding - when I picked her up it looked like she had a black "spot" up around her chest area.  When I checked the peeling skin the spot was open around one side showing a yellow layer (I am assuming skin/fat as I've never seen the inside of a dragon) and below that a white colored area.  The sist looking area was oozing a yellowish pus like material.  It does not seem to be terribly sore but I do think it is to a degree - can you give me any information on what to or not to do?  I have heard that I can apply peroxide and leave or bandage it but is there an over the counter antibiotic or anything else that will help?  Thanks so very much for any advice.  By the way, she is eating and moving around slowly.  
Thanks again!!     Terrie Brewer -

 Get him to a veterinarian immediately!  This sound like either a bad infection or yellow fungus disease which is deadly and highly contagious to other dragons!  This is not something you can treat yourself without knowing exactly what it is and how much he is infected.