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Breeding my leopard geckos

22 14:02:55

I was wondering if I can breed my 1 year old female leopard gecko with my 3 year old gecko without any disasters.The male is about 9.5 inches long. They are about the same length but he is much thicker. Also, the female has an irregular tail, she is roughly 7 inches long. Thank you for any suggestions.

Hi Bea,
Most breeders(I do not breed) want their female leo to weigh about 55 grams...some prefer even to wait til they are heavier.
Generally, a female will weigh that much anywhere from a year to two years.  Here is a link to a bit more info on breeding them.
She may not be mature enough yet so do get a weight on her.  Since your male is quite a bit larger, you may want to wait until she is more mature and larger..for her health and safety. Since her tail was dropped at one point, you may have to base it more on bulk and weight than on length.