Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Found injured turtle

Found injured turtle

22 11:48:59

I always try to take turtles off the road if I see them and this one I found was in the middle of the road and had a cracked shell in the back. I went to the pet store and got the food they suggested   crickets, worms, and dark leafy lettuce. They also told me to call the wildlife refuge center here which I did. They told me they could not take it but to call this man who takes the turtles for them when people call which I did and he never called back. I have called some vets but they do not take turtles. I have him in a 100 gallon bucket in my house with a heat lamp as I was told to do and he has been with me since last sat. I taped his shell. I have many other animals and have had turtles before but I want to do what is best for him. I work 80 hours a week and have been doing the best I can but if you could tell me of a VET that would take him or if you know of a rescue that may, I would greatly appreciate your time. I understand you are busy for I have rescued animals all my life. I had a horse rescue before my husband passed.  Thank you so much

This is an emergency situation. Contact me by email at, and email me several close up and good quality pictures of the injuries. They will need to have good lighting and focus, so a dedicated camera rather than a cell phone pic. I will also need to know what city you are in and everything you have done or offered the turtle since having it. Lastly, keep this turtle OUT OF THE WATER until I can assess it's injuries. If water contacts the fracture, this is life threatening. Depending on where you are, I may be able to get the turtle to myself or another rehabber that I know. In these cases, a wildlife rehabilitator specialized in reptiles is what you need. That's what I am.