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my uro

22 14:14:16

I just purchased a Mali Euro today. He is about 4 yrs. old and looks to be very healthy. He is very friendly. Seems like he actually enjoys to be held for a short time anyway. I know that are wigglers! My question is about the lighting they require. I am not sure as to how long to leave which bulb on him. I have heard leave the basking on 24 hrs and turn the UVB off at night or get a red or moonbeam light for night time. I don't want to harm him so I'm really unsure as to what to do. The girl I got him from has had him for a yr. and leaves the lighting on all the time. He is in good color and is eating well so I don't think the lighting is drying him out or slowing his metabolism. Please help! His bedding is a great size I think as it is 33.1x17x13.5 in. We are going to transfer him to an aquarium that is 40 gallons. I am going to get some branches for him and possible bird seed to line the floor. I may stick to newspaper and add birdseed to the basking side. What are your thoughts on this? He has 2 hide a away basking rocks and one flat surface rock we have in the middle and the two hideaways are in the opposite corners of each other. I am going to get some calcium tom. as well to add to his need and some yummy greens and such. The food is the easier part I think ! I am very concerned about the proper light. Thanks for your time I shall be awaiting your response.

Hello Stephanie,

Oh definitely do not keep the basking light on all day & night.  He needs a 12 hour daylight cycle & a 12 hour nighttime cycle.  He needs it completely dark overnight.  If he needs any nighttime heating use a ceramic heat emitter so it is dark.  They sleep better with it dark.  They can become stressed if they don't have a regulated day & night cycle.  I am quite surprised that she did not have a regulated day & night cycle for him.
So, you can use either a Flourescent tube bulb in conjunction with a bright white basking light being on together, or you can get a mercury vapor bulb.  
The best flourescent tube bulb is the Reptisun 10.  The best mercury vapor bulbs are either the Megaray or the T-rex active UV heat.
The better choice for substrate would be tiles or non adhesive shelf liner to keep it cleaner.  
Make sure to make the hotter basking area more towards one end of the tank so he has a more definite hot spot & a cooler end.  He needs 120-130 basking spot & around 80 for the cool end.  It is good to have a focused basking spot to where he has access to heating & to UVB lighting.  
