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beard and ed dragon

22 14:14:15

hello, was wondering if you can give me some advice please ? i have a bearded dragon who is 18 months old she is friendly and eats well usually, however her ubv light bulb blow and i have just replaced today she had no uvb light for 5 days as the pet shop had to order one in for me, but she is not interested in eating at all she will eat basil but no crickets or locus and she is miserable
i don't know what is wrong with her is she ill or just a bit out of sorts she has not eaten locus for 5 days and i am worried about her

 5 days without UVB should not have bothered her.  I suspect this new light, what kind is it?  If it is a compact or coil type, then that is the problem, she is having eye problems.  These types of bulbs should be taken off the market!  Get a proper linear fluorescent type, ideally a Reptisun 10.0 linear fluorescent tube. If she has been given a good tube, and she's not eaten, you may want to have her checked by her vet, she is old enough to perhaps lay eggs and she could be filling up with them now.