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House Gecko laid eggs!

22 14:31:14


My son got a House Gecko about 2 months ago, and it just laid 2 little white eggs! We are so excited but a little nervous because we're not sure how to take care of them. We would love to see them survive. Can you educate us on this subject and tell us what to do?

Thanks in advance,


Hi Michelle
I have never kept these geckos but after searching around the web I did come up with this


"House Geckos generally lay two calceous, hard-shelled eggs, which should be incubated at a temperature of 88 degrees Fahrenheit. The eggs hatch within 50 to 65 days and the small House Gecko hatchlings are generally about two inches long."

So you will need to have a heat source-an under the tank heating pad will work combined with a stryo container with a lid and a container with moistened vermiculite or perlite in which the eggs have been placed
You will also need a digital thermometer with a probe on the end of it to keep an accurate track of the temp of your incubator

Since they require such a high incubation temp-I do not know if your eggs will hatch if they have been at lower temps for an extended period of time or if they have not been kept moist

You can do a search for DIY incubators and that should give you more options for making an incubator

Now-If your gecko has never been with a male-the eggs could be infertile
Many species of lizards lay infertile eggs in the absence of a male

I hope that this has been of some help to you
Write back if you have any more questions and I will try and help
Sandy aka LadyGecko