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Plated Sudan Lizard

22 13:36:05

my plated lizards was vary lethargic and wouldn't eat. i thought she died cause i was watching her for about a half hour and she didn't move or breathe, she 'died' with one eye open and the other closed and her mouth was partially open. BUT when i went to pick her up to check she started freaking out as if something where to attack her while she was hibernating. I've left her alone and close to heat but she hasn't shown any activity for 2 days now and when i picked her up today she was stiff but still flexible when i tried moving her legs and tail.

I've heard horrifying stories of people burying there snakes or lizards alive thinking they died but when they talk to a vet they're told it was hibernating.

If she is in hibernation, how long until she come out of hibernation?

Hello Min,

Well, if she was in brumation, she most likely would have both eyes closed or would at least be attempting to sleep.  She would not be stiff if she were brumating either.  Also, this is the wrong time of year for her to be brumating.  Brumation varies, they can brumate for a couple of weeks to several months.  
How old is she?  How do her eyes look?  
Try putting her in some water to see if you get any reaction out of her at all.  Look at her eyes, what do her pupils look like, fixed, or if you shine a light in the eyes do they dilate?
Have you seen any breathing activity at all, or does she react in any way when you touch her?
If you would like, you can post a picture of her for me.  
