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eastern box turtle eggs

22 11:59:51

my box turtle is pregnant and all she does when shes in her moist dirt terrerium is try to escape the cage isnt that big and i thhnk shes trying to lay her eggs somewhere else but most of the places i put her in such as the backyard the house peat moss she wont do it and she doesnt dig either how can i hlep her lay her eggs and make her feel secure so she does also her cage doesnt have a hiding place

Matias,     She nees at least a twenty long. Choose a side and get an under the tank reptile heater. Make sure she has a good grate top with a double hood. They are cheaper that way. On one side put your UVA light on other put your UVB. The UVA is for heat the UVB helps them create more vitamin D-3 and therefore calcium quicker. You should make sure she has a bowl to soak in or the sink they like to kinda swim around and they absorb the water. They need a cool side in the tank so that would be your UVB side. Now it definately sounds like she is gravid.....she can lay even without a male the eggs won't be viable do not leave them in there. Humidity in tank from misting is different from wet sand. No wet sand. In the meantime do not introduce anything from ouside to her tank for fear of bringing in a parasite. You can when you have the room build her a cave out of rocks from outside boil them at least 20 to 30 mins. For now tank an old shoebox cut a hole and put her on some dry warm sand. You can also take an eyedropper full of mineral oil and pull the dulap under her chin to open her mouth. They ususally don't get eggbound , but it happens. Give her some heat and privacy she should be fine the oil won't hurt her if you want to try that. I don't know how long she has had this behavior. They ususally lay within 30 days. Give her some privacy and quiet you should have no prob. Any other questions please feel free to ask. Good Luck, Tina