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chameleon frog in texas

22 11:59:51

I discovered a cute little frog in my home here in n.e.Texas
curious as to any possible scientific name.
I returned him to the wild and he attempted to disappear on the side of my storage building constructed with galvanized metal, I guess silver couldn't be his specialty.
An email response would be interesting for me.
Thank you in advance
David Terry

Hi David,

It is really difficult to speculate on a species without a photo but your location does narrow down the possibilities. If he was clinging to your storage building then it sounds like you found a tree frog which also helps. This is a link with photos of native frogs of Texas. It has range maps so you can easily see the species native to the northeast. The tree frogs belong to the Hylidae group.

From your "chameleon" description I take it that his colouring changed which made me first suspect a Gray tree frog or the very similar Cope's Gray tree frog. These are two small species with quite variable, mottled colouring.

The introduced Cuban tree frog is also quite variable in colour and have started ranging into eastern Texas (they are very common in Florida) but as far as I could discern they have been found mainly in the south east coastal areas of Tx.