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Leopard gecko, tank mate dying.

22 14:13:51

I left for a wedding this weekend and left my geckos with food, water, and their light is on a timer. I have done this before with them. I had a little frog eye gecko and a leopard gecko. When I got home I went to check on them, and my frog eye had died. He was swollen and pretty bad looking. I noticed my other gecko was on the opposite end of my 40 gallon tank. I am worried that the leopard gecko came into contact with the dead one. Is it possible my leopard gecko is sick too?

Hello Brittany,

Oh that is too bad!  Was he ill before you left?  Could they have been in a fight possibly? Were they both males?
What a terrible thing to have to see.  :-((
You should watch your leopard gecko closely for any signs of illness.
I am sorry for your loss.
