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can anoles be with leos

22 14:40:07

Hi, I just bought a green anole lizard, and my daughter wants a leopard gecko, can they be together?? I already have the anole's cage done, thermometers-soil-plants-water dish-crickets-neat pieces of wood, its really neat. But I need to know if I can put a leopard gecko in with him. thx

Hello Jamie,

Unfortunately, no, the green anole & the leopard gecko should not be housed together.  
Their care & setup & husbandry are differentk & they are different species.  It is never a good idea to mix species, as they each have their own unique flora, & parasites that is normal to them.  
Sorry, I am sure that was not the answer you were looking for.  :-))  That is just how it goes.  
The anole needs UVB & bright light to thrive, whereas the leopard gecko does not need quite as much of the bright light or UVB to do well.  It would be too difficult to try & keep 2 completely different setups in the same tank.
What sized tank are you using for the green anole?  I recommend at least a 20 gallon, but a tall as they love to climb.  
A leopard gecko needs a 20 gallon long, because they really don't climb all that much, not like the green anoles do.
