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swollen tongue

22 14:40:07

My whites tree frog has a swollen tongue which is hanging out of his mouth. Recently Pet smart was out of crickets and suggested using meal worms. In his aquarium there was "bark" like bedding. Some time between last pm and this pm he I am guessing trying to eat the worms got two pieces of bark stuck in this tongue. I have removed them gently w/a pair of tweezers and have every intention of taking him to the vet in the am but was wondering if I should apply ice or anything. I am also wondering if anybody else has experienced this? I am trying to keep his tongue moist every few hours but any help till I can get to the vet in the am would be great. Thanks!

Emily,                                                       He needs to be on soft moss like bed a buddy .... He may have ingested some bark. I am surprised your froggies hit them. They are usually very particular. You can go to the drug store and get some mineral oil and an eye dropper. If he is impacted it will help him pass the bark. Hopefully. You can give him about half an eye dropper full 2 times a day. I am soooo sorry about this. It works like a laxative. Get him off the reptibark. NOW....... Next time you give him worms make sure you put them in a bowl that has sides high enough they can't get onto the bedding.... this will stop this from happening again... the fact that he eats other things than crickets is a good thing.... Let me know what happens ... Tina