Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Green anole is not eating.

Green anole is not eating.

22 13:56:10

QUESTION: Before I talk about the problem:
The tank is always set up to be between 75 and 85 degrees. (night/day)
I use reptile carpet
humidity is between 50 and 70
I have two anoles. Male and female.
I have two basking areas in the 30gallon tank with uvb.
They have plenty of fake plants to hide in.

I have been having problems getting my female to eat lately. Before, she stopped eating crickets and someone on here told me to try phoenix worms. She loved them at first, but has no interest in eating them now. I think she will eat mealworms, but I don't feel comfortable feeding her those because of their hard shell. I thought it could be her eye sight, but she seems to be able to see just fine. I haven't seen her eat in almost 2 weeks. She used to be such a pig. She isn't acting funny other than the eating issue. Have any ideas?


ANSWER: Hello Jessica,

Hm, your setup sounds pretty good.  Which UVB are you using, a florescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?  
Could she possibly be gravid?  How old is she?

Is your male eating just fine?  


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I use a florescent tube bulb. No she isn't gravid and I am not sure how old she is. She can't be too old. I have had her for a year and she was still growing when I got her. My male is eating great. I just got him less than a week ago, but he isn't a part of the problem since this has been going on for the past month.

I decided to go ahead and get meal worms since she loves them. She only ate one. Usually she gobbles them up.

ANSWER: Hello Jessica,

Which brand of florescent tube are you using?  
Hm ok so you are positive that she is not gravid?   Yeah, I guess if you have had him for a short bit she wont be gravid.  
Was she fine before you got him?  
How are her stools?  She could have parasites possibly.  Can you get a fecal done on her?
Is she getting enough calcium?
Can you post a picture of her for me?  
What type of thermometer are you using to measure the temperatures?
Let me know how she is doing.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Tracie,

I tried to take a picture, but they all came up very blurry. She is usually a light pewter color and her eyelids are always bright green. I never thought this was an issue. She turns green when I take her out or when she eats. Right now, she is either dark gray or brown and her eyelids aren't green. She only turns green if she gets exercise. Even then, she is only partially green. She looks dehydrated and skinny, but not too bad yet.

Although it wasn't much, her stools look pretty normal.

She did eat on Thursday, but hasn't eaten or drank anything since. She is still herself: energetic, curious and she still likes to be with me. I thought it could be impaction because she did eat a small amount of the bedding for them. She doesn't really have the symptoms.

I use the kind of thermometers that look like the cooking thermometers. I have two to make sure the whole tank is a good temp. She hasn't gotten a lot of calcium since she stopped eating.  

Hello Jessica,

I would change the bedding/substrate to a non particulate just so she doesn't eat any of it & become impacted.  
If she is not getting any calcium, maybe you should get some liquid calcium to give to her a few times per week to help her out.  If she is low on calcium, that would affect her quite a bit.
Ok, the cooking thermometers should be ok as far as measuring the temperatures.  Something is stressing her out though, as she should be a bright green in her tank as well as outside of her tank.
Maybe you should get a fecal done to see if she has worms or parasites that are affecting her appetite.  That is pretty common.
