Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Boy or Girl???

Boy or Girl???

22 14:26:40

Yes i have a schnider skink and i dont know if its a boy or girl.  Could u help me out? Thank you

Hi Collin, As a general rule skinks are quite difficult to sex with any certainty. There are a few subtle differences that keepers have noted but most of these involve comparing two or more adult animals and none are guaranteed. If there is a pet store around you that has two or more Schneider's for you to compare with yours, that may help. The males tend to have a more set off head, in other words they appear to have a neck, where females are all one thickness from the "shoulders" leading to the head.Males also tend to have wider heads then the girls. The males may be a bit more brightly coloured. You may also be able to notice a thicker tail base in the males. As you can see all of these guidelines would be impossible to interpret if you just had a single skink to look at.