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Droptail lizards/Skinks

22 11:54:06

Hi I Live in Australia and was wondering what household foods i could feed the skinks in my backyard. I have seen a few Species of lizards so far, would they eat different foods depending on their species? thanks.

Well, some skinks, such as the blue-tongued skink, are omnivorous, but the  majority of lizards are insectivorous or carnivorous.
An omnivorous skink would probably appreciate berries, melon, edible flowers, and raw grated squash.  Most human foods wouldn't be good for them, even though they will eat surprising things, including dog or cat food.  Those foods are too high in fat to be healthy, and excess fat can be deadly to reptiles in the long term.

If you just want the joy of watching them scuttle over to pick up something you've tossed to them, consider simply picking up some feeder crickets at a local pet store.  :)