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Seasonal lighting cycles for leopard geckos

22 14:02:45

I was just wondering if it was necessary to change the light cycles for my geckos depending on the season. I have read winter-10hrs of light, spring/fall-12hrs of light and summer 14hrs of light. I also read that you are supposed to change it gradually. If it is necessary for them to have those seasons how would I go about gradually changing the hrs of light they have?
thanks so much
PS. right now they are on a 12 hr light 12hr dark cycle

Hi Ericka,
When breeding, they say its more important to go with the seasonal lighting changes.  In the winter, all the reptiles here only get about an hour less of lights on.
If the leo is near a window, he may set his own schedule with that so if that's the case, then you can change the "on/off" time according to that.  If my reptiles were in an area that had windows, I would base it on what is going on outside.  
MOST people use the 12/12 schedule for convenience as it generally fits into most humans schedules...and makes it easy to set the