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burnt leoprd gecko

22 14:37:34

Hi Thea can you please help me. My leopard gecko somehow gotunder the paper towel and he was burnt a little on his tummy. It is not a sever burnt. What should i do. Please write back asap. Thanks so much.

Hi Chris, You can apply any human topical antibiotic ointment like Polysporin or Neosporin  to the area every day for the next several days  and keep him on paper towel or newspaper. Change the paper often especially if the area blisters, that will cut the risk of infection. You can also soak him in a little tepid water with a few drops of Betadine solution in it (make it the colour of weak tea). The soaking can help gently remove the burned skin as the wound starts to heal. Betadine is a brand name for povidone iodine, you should be able to get it at any drug store. You may notice him start to shed soon after this, reptiles often enter a shed cycle following an injury of this type.
If you feel quite certain that it is only a light burn on the outer skin then you should be able to treat it at home. If serious blistering, redness, discharge or discolouration develops then I would really suggest a vet take a look at it. Good luck Chris.