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Bearded dragon basking

22 14:46:42

Hey Diane, ive caught my beardie with an open mouth a few times while he was basking.. .is this a sign of contentment or distress?

Hi Joey,
Double check your basking temps...don't want anything higher than 105 degrees F.   They do open their mouths to cool down to some extent...silly dragons LOVE LOVE  it hot!!  If your basking temps are need to worry...its normal for them..I know it has scared many owners though!! a nut shell...if your temps are correct...its normal and you have a content beardie...if the temps are over 105 F...then he is too hot and the temperatures need to be adjusted.  To monitor the basking temperatures, I like using the digital thermometers that have the little probe on the end of a wire.  You hang the probe at your dragons level, right in the basking area...this will give you a true reading.